Wednesday 10 August 2016

Smarter self-assembly opens new pathways for nanotechnology

Scientists at Brookhaven National Laboratory in the U S have just recently developed a way to direct the self-assembly of multiple molecular patterns within a single material, producing new nanoscale architectures.
“This is a significant conceptual leap in self-assembly,” said Brookhaven Lab physicist Aaron Stein, lead author on the study. “In the past, we were limited to a single emergent pattern, but this technique breaks that barrier with relative ease. This is significant for basic research, certainly, but it could also change the way we design and manufacture electronics.”
“This technique fits quite easily into existing microchip fabrication workflows,” said Kevin Yager, “It’s exciting to make a fundamental discovery that could one day find its way into our computers.”
The collaboration used block copolymers—chains of two distinct molecules linked together—because of their intrinsic ability to self-assemble.
To guide self-assembly, scientist create substrate templates. Using a technique called electron beam lithography. A set of block copolymers onto the template,which was then spin, coating, and bake. Thermal energy drives interaction between the block copolymers and the template, setting the final configuration.
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