Friday 22 July 2016

RFEL supplies hyperSpeed FFT IP core to Arizona Radio Observatory

RFEL is supplying one of its HyperSpeed FFT™ IP cores to the Arizona Radio Observatory (ARO) at the University of Arizona in Tucson, Arizona. They are developing a new high performance radio astronomy spectrometer system where RFEL’s core forms a key component to improve sideband separation in their heterodyne receivers. To support the receiver’s wide signal bandwidth, the core utilizes parallelism to operate at a high input data rate of over 10 Giga samples per second.
“Radio astronomy is a perfect example of how our expertise can provide solutions that cannot be found elsewhere,” explained Dr. Alex Kuhrt, RFEL’s CEO. “Radio telescopes generate huge amounts of data that have to be processed without loss to extract signals. This requires specialist skills to create solutions that can handle this amount of data whilst retaining the mathematical precision. Our HyperSpeed FFT core is configured to match the demanding research needs of the ARO giving them the throughput and performance required.”
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